ocr: PANASONIC JU-475-3 5-1/4" HALF-HIGH DISKETTE DRIVE 0000 -L PINN POWER CONNECTOR INTERFACE CONNECTOR PANASONIC JU-475-3 ALPHA MICROSYSTEMS - LA JUMPER CONFIGURATION HA DS LA EE - JUMPER INSTALLED 2 e e o e 3 de a le - D - le - MXp le a 1M OP LE MC419 FIXED DENSIT oe oP 1M DUAL DENSIY OP D 1M DS Ins single drive configurations, the TM jumper musi awways be installed. In 09 dual dnve configurations, - o l FIRST DRIVE the drive located at the end of the P cable must have the TMJ jumper installed; MXo e the other drive must have the TM, jumper removed DS po 3 o SECOND DNIVE 4 de o MXL e o